It always happens to me when my babies are around 8 or 9 mos. I suddenly feel like I'm BACK again. Like, my strength settles in, and I can DO STUFF again. Lift, work, and generally throw myself into things again. It's when I usually start working out; and tackling bigger projects. Yes, I've been busy and back in a routine for the last several months, but this is different...it's like I'm
strong again. So yesterday, I vacuumed the whole house. Really good. You know, not just the surface obligatory stuff. And the day before, I put on the old sweats, and some old Nike's and headed outside to work in the yard and go for a quick walk in the cold air. Today, I walked a mile and then..drum roll....ran 7/10 of a mile!! I think that was the longest I've ever run without someone (Bret) forcing me to! And it wasn't killing me! So that was totally encouraging. I'm still working out a back injury from lifting my grandfather whenever he had fallen, but it seems a teeny bit better. I'm hoping the activity will also help speed the recovery.
Bret and I went to see that new Clint Eastwood movie tonight. The audience was funny....mostly grey-hairs (not quite blue-hairs...just grey) It was pretty funny. Low budget, had a Catholic effort (inaccurate here and there, but nice try) but entertaining to watch. Go see it if you get a chance. Little Bret and his basketball team are now 10-0, so they think they're pretty unstoppable. Great games to watch, although to be the mom is SO hard. You want to fly off the bench and have a "good talking to" to whomever just checked your son, or worse, FOULED him! Geez. I'm sure it's good manly character training, so I just stay planted on the bench, and keep breathing through it. Michael is full-on walking around the house now, with the occasional plunk down on his butt. Chub and diapers must be saving him. He's not really eating signifigantly yet, but he's sure sampling a lot, and making a mess. Lastly, the girls are forever wanting to hear stories about when I was a kid. Recently I've been telling them about lots of my skiing adventures in Vermont and Maine. Yesterday, Sophie came out in the living room ready for any beginner trail out there! She also, in an unrelated event tonight, was caught shaking, venting, and repeating, to a bottle of sprite. When asked why, she said, "I don't want people to burp a lot." So there you have it. Oh yeah, and to update the RASH...it's still here, but steadily fading in intensity and in itchiness. Freako, but pretty normal otherwise...:-)