Wednesday, October 13, 2010


One of my best friends in Memphis is leaving to move to Alaska in about a week. I don't think it's fair of me to whine and cry, since it's clearly a "God thing" that they are going. So I really haven't cried much. I know we'll still call often, so I know I'll hear her thoughts and live her new life vicariously over the phone. I know we'll still be great friends and will forever share too much information between us. So none of that will change, but I'll just not be able to see her anymore. Unless she gets skype like she promises. Then it'll be like she never left, except I'll have to squint to see her through her walrus-fur hood. I can't really believe she's going, but as I said, it's part of God's plan, so it's going to be really good ultimately. In the meantime, I will try and go on here, as normally as I can. Alone for a while, a little island for a while, till we get used to our new roles. I have such great support here, so I'll be okay. Great women of faith and humor. Great men of faith and example. I couldn't ask for more to walk through this life with. I get to skype someone in Alaska in the middle of the night. I'm counting on seeing those Northern Lights at 4 a.m. Kim!

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