Gramp's furniture arrived today, and I rearranged his room to accommodate it all. He was actually asleep on the couch as it all arrived and I set it up, so I thought it would be a GREAT surprise for him to walk in and see all of his dear things in place and pictures on the walls! Well, he went in, said that he remembered all those things, rolled back out and started reading the paper. Hmmmm......Okay then! Clearly not the excited homey memories I had anticipated! I think all that stuff being here is pretty final for him, so maybe he's more sad that he's not going back to his safe little apt. again. Great! All my efforts for naught! :-) Oh well, he'll get used to it. Back to the food game. I also had my good friend, Fr. Bauer come out to meet Gramp today, and he was able to give him Communion and Annointing of the Sick. Hey, as long as he's on MY watch, he's not going anywhere without being ready to go! So I'm really relieved about that being accomplished. He actually wants him to come back and bring Communion again! So, that is great. On a lighter note, literally, Bret shaved the Canadian lumberjack beard off this morning, but the hair's still here. One thing at a time. And, Michael is making TRACKS all around the place! He's getting so interactive and funny. Every couple of days I'll say to the kids, "his brain grew again!" Which I really believe!
He's on to you- "when I nap, that woman rearranges thing!" he's clearly been reading your blog. You know Gramps is a total technophile.
I heard there's a motorized wheelchair in the works - that'll be awesome. Can you program it like Big Trak?
I don't know about that, but I'm pretty sure we can rig a "Gramp- cam" on it somewhere subtly. You know, to see what a 98 yr. old man REALLY does! lol. I think it comes with an off-road optional package too! Hold on Mikey, here we go! (says little Bret after Gramps in bed).
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