Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Last week, I took all the girls and Michael to the live broadcast of "stories of light," a local make-a-wish fundraiser. The stories were from wish kids who went on air with FM100 and told about their make-a-wish, of course, in hopes to motivate people to call in and donate toward next year's wish kids' fulfillment. Rachael was scheduled to go on air around 9:30 or so. To be perfectly honest, they solicited us to do this, and we did it ONLY BECAUSE THE WISH KIDS WERE ENTERED INTO A DRAWING TO WIN A WII SYSTEM. I might as well admit my (our) selfishness. Okay, once we got there, of course it was great, and we saw all our make-a-wish coordiators and friends from 2 yrs. ago. It was great! They spoil and pamper the kids and parents totally, and just gush love on you. Going there is like getting hugged, but you don't know why you're getting hugged, you just sorta enjoy it till it's all over. Anyway, I choked at the end of the interview, with a rush of emotion that comes up and visits me frequently when I access those memories. Well, the D.J.s cried, the volunteers choked up and teared up, and I just couldn't get any more words out. I'm sure it generated thousands of dollars in donations..... :-) Once I got my voice back I apologized for my loss of control, and Rachael goes, "Mommy, you always cry when you talk about my cancer." Too true. Okay, well, yesterday afternoon they called us to tell us that RACHAEL WON THE WII!!! What a thrill for her and ALL my kids! It came with guitar hero, (the new one) and "wii play." I'm not sure what that one is, but the kids are psyched!!!! Bret said he thinks God let us win it so we could have lots of fun times with all of our family that's coming to town next week. :-) I guess God knows! Update on Gramp: all is well, he seems to be staying up later at night, no more fainting spells, and eating like a big piggy! I know he's been snacking because I can follow the trail of raisin bran crumbs (he eats them dry like a snack) through the house...hey, it helps me find him!


Unknown said...

That's awesome about the wii!
As for the wish stories, I'm glad I missed it. I can't even look at the *print ads* they have up in Memphis airport without crying. Seriously. There's one with a little girl surrounded by ballerinas, and that's as far as I get- I can't read the text, 'cause I'm crying like a baby, and the people I'm there to pick up think I'm crying 'cause I'm so happy to see them.

Ken might come over, beer and pizza in hand, demanding a chance to play guitar hero- er- *visit*.

Jen James said...

That's awesome! Ken coming over with beer, AND you getting weepy in the airport! All your relatives think you must be so miserable here without them after they see that display! loll. Seriously, we need to have a playday for the dads to play guitar hero...although I think I'll need to get another guitar so they play nice together.

Michele said...

OH WOW!!!! And why didn't you tell me, I would have loved to listen in! I cannot believe there is a real game system in the James house!!! Congrats!

~Shannon~ said...

da da da dahhh, green green yellow reddd..at least that was the concept on rock band.. is it thursday yet? is it my turn yet?