My grandfather passed away on Feb. 5th. In the days before his passing, he was able to spend one really good afternoon with my dad, you know, the "Hallmark movie" type of afternoon. The day before he passed, I spent a couple of hours with him, and although he was too weak to talk anymore, I think he knew I was there at least once. I prayed the Divine Mercy chaplet over and over, as well as the rosary. The next day, he was very weak, and we were able to stay with him most of the day and into the night, praying and keeping him comfortable. He received last rites while still pretty coherent. That night, my parents and I came home, all of us tired. Gramp had a nurse from the Phillipines that night. He was Catholic (a total rarity at this particular hospital). His breathing changed late into the night, and this nurse sat with him until he passed, less than an hour later. I know he was praying at his side. What a comfort that our beloved prayers were surrounding him even when we couldn't be there with him at that moment. My brother and sister came out for his funeral Mass a few days later. We had such a fun time, in the midst of sadness. Overall, we were all more relieved than anything that Gramp was finally done with this long, often lonely, journey. When we were all together, that silliness that close families breeds came out, and the laughs just kept coming. It was very comforting, and gave my stomach muscles a good work-out. My dear friends came and supported me and the fam at the funeral and later, at home for the reception. Thank you all for your help, your presence, and your prayers! My friend Fr. Bauer was kind enough to say Mass for Gramp, and at the end of Mass, even sang an a capella "Hail Holy Queen" in Latin, to Gramp's remains, and of course it was totally moving. He'll be buried this week, next to my Gram in CT. I'm so glad to have been available for Gramp in his last months. We learned a lot about him and the condition he had come to be in, physically and mentally. I am shocked and amazed that he had continued to live alone in CT as long as he had. Oh well, it's all providential right? Anyway, grant his soul eternal rest, Lord, and "Dona nobis pacem."
Dear Jen, this is so beautiful! I had planned on going, but then Paul had to work and my neighbors were both sick with the flu...God's timing for me was not what I wanted. I hope you feel blessed by having this man touch your family and vice versa.
Were/am praying from a far and awed by your strength in taking care of him as well as your family. God bless you Jenn!
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