Well, the title above is "springy" but right now the temp. outside is dropping as a rouge cold front is passing through. It's all okay though. It'll help us appreciate those 99 degree Memphis days coming. Ahem. So we had the weekend of Easter egg hunts. One at St. Francis, one at Bass pro shop, and one in the neighborhood. Lots of candy. 30 second Easter egg hunts. The Bass pro shop had a promotion for a vacation house in MO that we picked up for our family to all get together at next summer sometime. Cool! All of our kids will be a year older, and by then we'll all crave each other's company. Not that we don't all the time, but it helps take the sting out of waiting (and saving up $$) that long. Well,... not really!
Bret's Lacrosse (note, the "cool" way to write this is Lax apparently. Just want you to be in the know) is going well. The team as a whole is still trying to win games, but Bret's skills are getting better and better. It's fun to watch and just a little bit frightening too. Michael is walking so well, and getting a cute sense of humor. He now knows his "ball" and loves to throw it. The girls are doing great in school. Emily has 5 more lessons to finish her English! She was so happy to discover that last week! She's devouring the "Trixie Belden" series currently.
The girls all decorated their Easter baskets for a contest at the neighborhood egg hunt. They worked on themes, and picked flowers, and made a general girly-creative-effort. All three of them stood poised by the contest table, holding their breath as the 17 yr. old girl, dressed as the Easter bunny, picked....of course...the store-bought basket. Emily was, let's not beat aroung the bush, pissed off. She decided to ban next year's contest. I dutifully told her she was being a poor sport, but secretly agreed with her. The other two didn't care too much. They were occupied with candy.
Bret and Bret went on a boy scout campout this weekend, a skills-contest actually. Their patrols all got blue ribbons. They had 3 patrols represented. Each has about 6 kids. There were almost 600 boy scouts there! So, they rocked! And got sunburnt. :-)
Was it the one with the giant bow shaped like the butterfly? I bet it was.
Nope, that one was Sophie's! She robbed the butterfly off of some Barbie contraption. The flowered one is Emily's, and the "fairy" one is Rachael's. The storebought one is way in the back, you can only see the handle really. The fake handle. Robbed.
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