"Cinderella" the ballet, went off swimmingly. The girls were beautiful and the backstage energy and excitement were totally exhilarating. 250 little girls all twirling and sparkling in their crowns! The next morning we were up and out again, this time to celebrate Bret's 8th grade graduation. He looked so grown up in his coat and tie. It was like a glimmer into the future. I told him that night, "well son, now the fun part REALLY begins!" You know how jr. high is kind of a blur with highlights of memories? Then high school begins and the memories get more intense? And for me anyway, the fun began! I'm excited for him to move on, and at the same time, holding on (and back) to the girls and their childhood innocence. Girls and boys. Sheesh.
I got a ton of yardwork done this wknd, including mowing the lawn, isolating the berry bushes, and planting a few more tomatoes into pots. This is like a new world for me, planting in pots. It's weird to not have a big sunny patch to just plant in, but I'm hoping to be up to the challenge. Watering, that is. My planting efforts now, might net me nothing but shrivelled up stubs!
So, I also constructed a cage for my compost. Totally cool, until I poured in the big bag of Starbucks' coffee grounds and out slithered a snake. Okay, not much can instantly evoke such hostility and rage in me as a snake, and, as such, the snake didn't make it past the fervor of my rake. I shudder even remembering it. Don't ask how big it was...I mean, does it even matter? Big, small, it's still a snake! We also went to baby Eli's baptism this afternoon. Such a cutie. He's going to be one tough cookie growing up with 3 big brothers that already think he's one of the boys! lol. I also got to see my old pal from chiropractic school, Liz! She's lived in Norway most of our post-graduating life, and just moved back stateside, and then had a 45 min. layover in Memphis this morning. We got to actually see each other after 15 yrs.! How can that be?? 15 yrs.? 45 minutes? It doesn't seem fair, but it was fun anyway, and of course Liz looks exactly the same. We had lots of fun times in Chicago all those years ago, downtown, at clubs, parties, school, labs, finals, studying, cooking, in trouble, laughs, tears. Good to see you Liz!!!
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