So, I watched Julia/Julie last night, and realized, first, I'm not a gourmet cook, AND second, this apparently is not a real blog. It has no real purpose. I'll have to rethink that concept. New Years came and went for us; Bret and I went to his high school reunion's party. Kind of a disappointment in attendance, but we had fun on the dancefloor anyway. Emily turns 11 in a couple of days and had a giant sleepover this weekend. Lots of chatty girls, and some boys even came for the early part of the party, so that was fun for them. Michael is getting so smart; he puts lots of concepts together, and although he can't tell us what he's thinking, we all know. It's great to see the older kids getting excited about what he's doing or figuring out. A friend asked me why I don't put Michael in some kind of daycare during the day, so I can get school done more efficiently. After I had my surge of indignance, I thought to myself, "hmmm..apparently society feels that a whole room full of 1 yr. olds will have better luck teaching themselves about sharing and caring than their mom and older siblings." That's got to be it. Now, I know my friend was trying to suggest something to make my life easier (although she had no indication that I was having any trouble with him while doing school, which I'm not), but how un-thought-out the attitude of our society. I'm sad about the solutions that push out our kids on underpaid/undereducated girls to "watch" our kids while we get "work" done. I know my kids better than anyone. I know their strengths, weaknesses, what motivates them, and what distracts them. If I get stuck, I give it some time and figure it out. Then we move on, using that new found information to help better the situation. I like knowing my kids are on the edge of the bell curve in schooling, in social awareness, in kindness, in activities. It will give them that special edge in life. They will be endearing, kind, generous, industrious, and committed people. They will be able to empathize and also lead. Okay, I'm going to get off my soapbox. I love my kids and want the best for them. Later!
1 comment:
Um....wait.....blogs are supposed to have a *purpose*? Says who? And does "I do it so I don't go on a postal-esque rampage" count as a purpose?
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