Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I chiselled about an hour this morning to do some reading with the kids. Instead, I read blogs and made the kids read alone. That's just how it goes. After 30 minutes, Michael had dumped the toybox and was searching it for lost treasures, Emily (who's birthday it is today, was painting the girls' nails) and I was getting inspired and belly-laughing at the witty humor of several blogging Catholic moms. I'm no writer. I really wish I could inspire such laughter and commeraderie that these women do as they describe the mundane tasks and thoughts about life. Here's my current life: I have a teenager who thinks he's in love. He's mentally absent since he's texting "her" constantly, but when he does come around (from a physical whack to bring him back) he's all floaty and happy. Good for him. My pre-teen is still sweet and creative and pining away for the day when she will be wrapped up in a busy, event-filled life of a teenager. (hoping for a soft version of that). My little girls are still playing pretend and perfecting their hip-hop and ballet, and my 2 yr. old is finally potty-trained. He is a force to be reckoned with. All boy: superhero's, muscles, fighting invisible bad guys, showing off his muscles and flirting with all women/girls he meets. My husband is plugging along through a bad economy, trying to make the best of economic challenges, keeping us warm and fed, and working nightly to get our wood floor put down. In the meantime, we are living on the subfloor, and NOT utilizing MOST of the common area downstairs. Not that I'm complaining. (see above about being warm and fed) My 25th high school reunion is coming up and I'm WAY excited about taking the kids "home" to see where I grew up. I want them to swim in "my" beaches, and drive on my old roads. Hubby is not for going. I'm going to keep working on him so it's as painless as it can be. My hair is turning grey, but I'm determined to keep my muscle that I gained last summer, and not flab away to a soft, 40-something blob. Vanity. Haven't figured out how to reverse the wrinkles, so they're here to stay. Crap. So that's my every day. It's all good. Sometimes it's sucky, but then bedtime finally gets here and I shut down to recharge and do it all again the next day. And somewhere in the middle of it all, someone says something to make me laugh till I think I'm going to pee. Like my sister. Or my Sophie, who the other day, pointed out the car window and yelled, "SHAVED CAT!!" Where???? "Made ya look!"


Kris said...

Hey, I slightly resemble that "40 yr old blob" comment! That is ok, I'm tired...

Unknown said...

When is the reunion? Have you carved out a big chunk of time to come stay with me?
I'll P90X you if you didn't.

Jen James said...

Cari, they're still trying to nail down a date. Sometime at the end of July or first of Aug. I'll let you know as soon as I know! And yes, when we come, we WILL be visiting you! Prepare!!