Here's some pics from the big night! We stormed into our new neighborhood in style this year! Michael rode in the wagon, and on the long stretches between houses, Sophie (and sometimes Rachael) jumped in too. After a long night of candy-collecting, we went back to our friends, the Hardy's house for chilli and sausages, and of course, for candy- sorting and counting! It's so nice to have some nice friends in the new neighborhood to hang out with! Thanks Hardys! Michael even got his hands on a lollipop and was MORE than pleased with it. Gramp has had a couple of days feeling a little weak, but I got him his wheelchair today, and now he's like a speedster through the house. He loved it! Now he rolls up to the bkfst counter and is ready for tea or dinner, or whatever I can give him. Thanks so much to my friend Michele who has taken on watching over Gramp for us on Fridays. No drama, remember Michele, no drama. I came home to a sparkling kitchen and all was well. HUGE feeling of relief!! You know Michele, you have been around me for many of my big life changes here in TN, so, I hope you plan to stick around! Who knows what's next!