Gramp continues to do well, and is eating more and more! I guess eating, sleeping, and pooping are my normal indices of how the kids are doing, so why not impose the same things on Gramp? So far so good! In other news, Emily is camping with the girl scouts this wknd., and Bret slept over at a friend's place with about 4 or 5 other boys his age, and the police were NOT called, so it's all good. Rachael, Sophie and I, along with Michael were able to go to the neighborhood costume party last night. Emily designed everyone's costumes this year, and they came out so cute. Rachael was Mulan, and Sophie was a cowgirl (but she also has a robot costume ready if she wants to swap next week). To my husband Bret, who is, as he put it, "in purgatory," I want you to know how much we appreciate the discomfort/irritation/loss of recreation, etc. you are going through. We are all just hanging on until you get home. We love you and cannot wait for you to get back, because we all miss you.
Let's use the checklist on Bret to see how he's doing:
Is he eating, sleeping and pooping?
Nvrmind, too much information.
lol, you totally crack me up. Yes, he is eating: total crappy junk food speckled with a decent Chinese dinner or a fish dinner here and there. Pretty much existing on Starbucks though. Sleeping? Well sort of, but not really well. Pooping? I just don't ask. Don't want the visual.
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