So I found out today that my 98 yr. old grandfather is coming to live with us.... tomorrow. Yes tomorrow. I have less than 24 hours to get ready. I said he could come and live with us instead of the crappy nursing home he was destined for, and surprisingly enough he agreed! NO ONE in my family anticipated his EVER leaving his home in CT, but he is! We're all a little apprehensive, but excited to have the opportunity to spend a little time with him in his waning years. I'm sure it'll be an education for everyone involved. And I have to give a HUGE thanks to my husband for not freaking out, and agreeing to let him come here. Thank you Bret! I think you could tell how much this meant to me to help him out. Anyway, today I transformed the room that is supposed to be for Michael (someday) and was also a catch-all room since we moved in, into a little bdrm/apt for Gramp.
That's awesome. Your kids will have a whole bunch of time with their great-grandfather that most don't get.
AND by living in close proximity to the aged, they'll develop compassion that'll last their whole life- particularly during that time when YOU need to avoid the crappy nursing home.
I don't understand why more people don't take in their elderly. I guess it's just one more symptom of a sick culture.
Oh hell, don't listen to me. I'm delirious from fever.
yes it is so awesome! I am hoping that your generosity helps my mom to see that it is not a burden to care for our aging parents.
But it may blow up in your face and you kids may think that you definatley are going to the home...
personally, I wish my mom would live with us, but she thinks we will kill her much faster than the nursing home. Where is the love there?
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