Monday, October 27, 2008

The strategy of food

So Gramp just MIGHT be "getting it." Tiny specks of reality and acceptance are creeping in. (that he's here to stay, that is) I don't know what else to do to get to him, and help him make the transition....except....the old! I put on my "gram memories" and start making some of the foods I remember her cooking for him. Potatoe pancakes. Keilbasa. Oatmeal. Tea. Ham sandwich, don't forget the mustard. Corned beef hash. There's some stuffed cabbage and stuffed peppers on the horizon. I need to get some dark bread too. The kids are less excited than Gramp is about it, to say the least. But Emily and the girls made pizza tonight and he was quite entertained to watch them work. And he even ate some! 3 meals in a day! The man might just get fat!! Bret went to hang out and shoot some hoops at a friend's house today. When he got home there was a story that involved several other kids in the neighborhood, a "stolen" golf cart, an airsoft gun, a kid hanging off the back of said golf cart, and pulling an Indiana Jones to make it to the front, and a locked house, but a garage door that could be "rolled under" to get in. I really didn't want to hear the rest did I???? Again, no police. All good. Now that everyone is asleep, I'm going to try to vacuum a little. Michael is practically crawling, and has that advanced dexterity that allows him to scoot from crumb to crumb, or dried leaf, or stringy thing and pick it up in his curious little fat fingers and eat it. So, prevention time! Oh yeah, tooth #2 is here!


Kris said...

I think it is so cool that your gramps has come to stay with y'all! I've been trying to get my mom to let me do the same for my grandma for years and she just won't let me! I hope and pray everyone has a smooth transition and your kids and grandpa will reap the rewards of your living arrangement!

Donna said...

My hat's off to you Jen! Taking care of an elderly person along with taking care of 5 children and keeping sanity! We've raised our 5 and have made the offer to my elderly inlaws to live with us - they refuse - we wait a few months and ask again. I know that one day this will be a reality and hope that I have the strength you have to make them feel welcome and comfortable in my home. I'm proud of you.

Jen James said...

Well, thank you all. It's a juggle, but I am merely trying to plant the seed to ONE of my kids so they'll do the same for me!!! :-))